Benefits of Pumpkins

Don’t relegate pumpkins to just the Halloween season – to carve out faces and use as lanterns. Instead this time round, enjoy the benefits of pumpkins… and you would not believe the ways in which this humble vegetable can help our bodies!

Nutritious and delicately flavored; pumpkins are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and minerals; low in fat and sodium and cholesterol free. Pumpkins are popular as the dieter’s best pal. Pumpkins are a good source of fiber; the beta-carotene in pumpkins delays aging and prevents cancer as well as heart disease. Water content in pumpkins is about 90%. One cup of pumpkin contains about 180 calories. Fresh pumpkins can be used for cooking; canned pumpkin purée can serve well for cakes and pumpkin bread. Fresh pumpkin purée can be made by roasting the pumpkin.

Choosing pumpkins

In case you decide to use fresh pumpkins instead of canned pumpkin puree, make sure you choose the right pumpkin.

Fresh pumpkin puree

Benefits of pumpkin seeds

The seeds found within the pumpkin are chockfull of nutrients too. Roast them, even season them and you have a wonderful snack that is full of goodness. Pumpkin seed oil is said to have health-promoting potential. It is believed to have curative properties for urinary tract infection as well as unsaturated fatty acids and most vitamins.

If you thought that the benefits of pumpkins were restricted to health issues, you couldn’t be further from the truth! Use it as a beauty aid to soothe and protect your skin.

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