How to Prevent House Fires

An overwhelming number of fires seem to occur in homes in the US every year with approximately 3500 losing their lives and another 18300 getting injured. In addition to killing thousands, house fires destroy valued possessions and memories. In the US the estimated property damage per year by fire is about $1.5 billion.

Preventing house fires and surviving them need not be construed as a matter of luck – it is indeed a matter of planning ahead.

Understand that children under five are curious about fire. They love to play with matches and lighters. They have to be taught that fire is not a toy but a dangerous tool. They should not be allowed access to matches or cigarette lighters. Keep them locked up out of reach of children.

In the US, about a thousand senior citizens die in fires every year. It is sad that many of these deaths could have been prevented. As the elderly citizens are unable to respond quickly to fire, when they are caught alone, they are vulnerable and succumb to fire.

Fire can start from – a smoldering cigarette, sparks from a ill-fitting appliance plug, burning oil in the kitchen, an overheated furnishing material carelessly draped near a heater or an unattended burning candle. It doesn’t always need an Arsonist. It doesn’t need to burst into flames from the start. It can smolder for hours and emit obnoxious smoke that can asphyxiate the occupants of the house. Carbon monoxide resulting from smoldering material can be a silent killer. This is the reason why we must invest in electronics alarms.

Smoke alarms can be a simple light sensitive kind which uses a photo sensor to detect scattered smoke particles and this type is generally effective in detecting smoldering fire while the other type of Smoke detector – Ionization type which uses a tiny radioactive isotope driven ionization chamber to detect flames.

Additional precautions to prevent home fires

Invest in suitable Fire extinguishers approved by your local fire department. Extinguishers are classified based on the kind of fire classes. Portable extinguishers can put out small fires if initiated early. Do not underestimate the size of the fire and try to put out fires on your own.

Above all, if at all a house fire occurs; practice a home escape plan with children and family. It is better to practice an escape plan from every room of the house. Choose a meeting place outside the house and make sure everyone knows to meet there.

Winter Fire Safety Tips from the U.S. Fire Administration »

From kitchen stove to a romantic candle-lit dinner, any common household item can turn dangerous very quickly. Learn to prevent fire and practice safety by simply following the prevention tips suggested. It is not worth risking your life and that of your loved one.

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