Menstrual Problems

Menarche heralds the reproductive phase in a woman’s life. Menstruation brings with it a host of issues and problems that might dog a woman at some stage or other in her life. Regularity of the menstrual cycle is a primary source of concern. From vaginal discharge and sporadic periods to dysmenorrhea and bleeding after menopause, menstrual problems can be inconvenient, painful and often be indicative of a more serious condition.

A woman must track her periods as this is helpful not only for determining pregnancy but is crucial in evaluation other conditions that concern reproductive health. Stress is noticed to be a major factor in the regularity or otherwise in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Medications and other inherent conditions are other causes.

Menstrual cramps are a common complaint with most women. The dull throbbing pain in the abdomen or lower back is usually due to cervical contractions but in some cases the pain is caused by fibroids, ovarian cysts or endometriosis. Many resort to the usage of over-the-counter pain killers to reduce the severity of the cramps by inhibiting the release of prostaglandins. Some women experience mittelschmerz – cramping during ovulation. This typically happens in the middle of a cycle.

With menstruation come a few embarrassing issues such as menstrual odor and bloating. Feminine menstrual odor can be tackled with hygienic practices and right diet. If you notice foul odor that persists, do seek medical guidance. Do not use harsh cleaning products that might affect the delicate female system.

Bloating during and largely before the menstrual cycle is commonly noticed by many women. Reduce sodium intake that leads to water retention. Consumption of natural diuretics such as green tea or cranberry juice helps reduce bloating. Do not reduce your intake of water as it is crucial to the flushing of toxins.

Many of these menstrual problems have been discussed at length in our articles.

Vaginal Bleeding After Menopause

Breakthrough Bleeding

Menstrual Regulation

Menopause Symptom

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