Summer Hair Tips

Come summer and we run for sun-protection sunscreens and go through extensive skin care routines. But some of us overlook the fact that the harsh sun is one of the worst enemies for the hair too! This happens because the UVA and UVB rays along with the heat cause the hair to become increasingly porous, thereby opening up the hair cuticle to damage.

Without the right summer hair care, you could end up with dry frizzy hair prone to split ends and breakage. Find out how to equip your hair to face the summer months.

What’s good for the skin is good for the hair …. so also with plenty of water. Remain well hydrated so that your hair is not parched. This will keep the roots and hair strands flush with fluids.

Avoid chemical processes on your hair during summer. Be it straightening, coloring or even heated styling tools, back off from them for this season. Stay clear of hair products containing alcohol or formaldehyde as they have a drying effect on hair.

It isn’t just enough to keep your exposed skin covered while out in the harsh sunlight. Your hair needs the same TLC too. Wear a hat or a scarf if you are planning to be out on summer mornings. Even a leave-in conditioner with sunscreen will help.

A common query that most women have is how often to shampoo during summer. Too much shampooing will deprive the hair of its natural moisture. Use moisturizing shampoos that are gentle on hair. Never leave the shower without conditioning the hair during summer. You can opt for a deep-conditioning treatment if your hair appears too frizzy. Finish off with a cold water rinse to seal the hair cuticle.

Arm yourself with a good haircut to face the summer months. After all a good summer hairstyle and the right summer hair care …. And you are all set to hit the sand and surf ?

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