Targetwoman Earth Day Celebration

We join the Earth day celebration in a small way – by our efforts to disseminate information about practical conservation and tips on Energy saving. Global warming has become a mantra in the media now. Steps to reduce the production of CO2 (carbon dioxide) that contributes to the global warming by the Green House effect can be attempted by anyone who has an interest in preserving Mother Nature.

We provide below some tips and guidance on Energy Conservation:

1. Air conditioning and Heating: Different people require different temperature settings for comfort. We feel comfortable when our bodies lose heat at the same rate as we produce it. Heat production varies with physical activity and our metabolic rates. At the same time, heat loss or heat gain depends on surface temperatures in the room, air movement and air temperature. What all this means is that your comfort factor depends on a lot of factors – one of which is the temperature. Start by setting your thermostat a couple of degrees low.

Energy Efficiency Rating: The energy efficiency rating (EER) of an air conditioner is its BTU rating over its wattage. For example, if a 10,000-BTU air conditioner consumes 1,200 watts, its EER is 8.3 (10,000 BTU/1,200 watts). Aim for a higher EER. Turn off the unit when no one is present. If you have a Voltage regulator for pre-conditioning the supply, turn that off as well.

Better Thermal Insulation: A false ceiling with better heat insulation efficiency can reduce as much as 20 % power bills. An energy-efficient house has a much higher insulation value. It has the ability to resist heat transfer and fasten the heat loss. Materials that weigh a lot store more heat and have high thermal mass. Use of such materials can reduce heating and cooling energy requirements by nearly 25% as compared with mere brick veneer houses.

Power Factor Correction: All electric motors consume reactive power from the supply. Power factor correction capacitors correct the anomaly in the power supply. Discuss with your electric contractor the size of the power factor correction capacitor and its installation. It could save about 10 % from your utility bills.

2. Replace all incandescent bulbs with CFL (compact Florescent Lamps). CFLs are very energy efficient. A 15 W CFL will provide the same amount of illumination as a 60 W normal bulb. But they can’t be dimmed using conventional dimmers. Clean all lamps and lamp shades periodically. A clean lamp and a clean lamp shade enhances light transmission.

3. Inflate your automobiles tires to the manufacturer recommended pressures. Inadequate pressure in your tires can increase rolling resistance by as much as 20 %. Combine trips and chores so that you save on precious fuel. Remove top carriers when not required. They increase wind resistance. Drive at a sedate speed to improve your mileage.

4. Turn off your computers and monitors when not in use unless you are running a data center. A typical Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) of a desk top computer consumes about 400 W of energy most of the time. Use a TFT LCD monitor if you are using the conventional CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor. A typical 17 inch CRT monitor consumes about 120 W while the same sized LCD monitor takes in about one fourth of the energy. The heat produced by the CRT also heats up the neighborhood adding to the cooling cost.

5. Invest in automation. A PIR (Passive Infra Red) movement sensor based outdoor lighting can help save considerable energy. You can use them in aisles and elsewhere where manual switching on and off of lights is inconvenient. You will find more tips in energy saving in our article.

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