Toddler tantrums

Talking of raising toddlers… and toddler tantrums can’t be far behind! As a new mom, tantrums thrown by my normally well-behaved daughter could really throw me out of sorts. No reading up of books on raising kids prepared me for what was to come – how my angelic toddler can turn into a screaming monster for what appears to be no reason at all!

Handling tantrums is about understanding why they occur and how you can prevent them, to whatever extent. Minor tantrums are part and parcel of toddlers and over time I learnt to take them in my stride. Toddler tantrums due to tiredness or hunger are the more common ones. You can prevent them to a large extent by making changes to your lifestyle to ensure that there is time for afternoon naps and regular snacks. Building a routine into my little one’s life helped me cope for sure. It also ensured that there were regular meals and day time nap….which made for a happy child and a happier mom!

If your child is showing signs of major tantrums that have become a regular feature, try and find out if anything is bothering your toddler, be it moving house, a new baby on the way or your taking up a job. After all these changes overwhelm the little soul and he or she wouldn’t have a clue how to deal with it.

The first lesson I learnt while dealing with toddler tantrums is to keep my emotions under check. Over time and many a tantrum later, I learnt that screaming or remonstrating with the child is of little use. I realized that I need not give in to my child’s demands. All it called for was flexible approach to parenting style. You can do this without compromising on your values or ideas of disciplining.

  • Be firm and do not give in to tantrum demands.
  • Resist the urge to spank the child.
  • Try and distract the child with something interesting.
  • Talk to the child after he or she has calmed down.

Parenting Toddler

Whoever said that handling toddlers was an easy task! They don’t call it the terrible twos for nothing! The energy and patience that one needs to garner to handle toddlers can leave you with little time for other pursuits. But as a mom who has been through that toddler parenting stage, I can vouch for the fact that handling the inquisitive mind and its eagerness to absorb and assimilate is an enriching experience in itself.

Parenting toddlers brings up diverse issues, from temper tantrums and potty training to disciplining and eating habits. How can I get my little one adjusted to a toddler bed and make the transition from a crib as smooth as possible? When is my child ready to be potty trained? How do I deal with an aggressive toddler? Sibling rivalry, laying down rules, handling small illnesses and more….Typical issues that baffle first-time parents.

In the course of the next few weeks, hear a mother share her first-hand experience at handing and parenting a toddler. Each child is unique but the foundations of many an adult personality is laid during these formative years. Be it building emotional character or establishing a cognitive connection with the world around, a parent caring for a toddler surely plays a major role. True, it calls for enormous amounts of patience, stamina and love….but with a parent that is never in short supply!

Parenting Toddler

Teach your child how to handle anger, learn how to make your house safer for an inquisitive toddler, inculcate a love for learning………but most importantly enjoy and cherish the experience coz your toddler wont be one for long – Live the moment to its fullest!

Kitchen Décor

Whether you are setting up a new kitchen or planning on redoing your existing one, consider looking at kitchen décor as a cohesive unit – kitchen cabinets, backsplash tiles, kitchen island, kitchen table, lighting and colors. Plan on the kind of look you want your kitchen to sport, be it country kitchen décor or modern minimalist décor or shabby chic. Look at kitchen décor and colors to complement existing spaces and natural lighting.

Putting together a kitchen décor plan need not necessitate breaking the bank. Pore over kitchen décor themes and ideas and come up with one that complements your lifestyle and home décor as well as your budget. Seek out a reliable contractor who can execute your plans and give you a dream kitchen. If you wish to recreate a French country kitchen décor in your suburban apartment, you can do so with a few simple touches.

· Make a pleasing display of pots and pans.
· Use fruit jars, potpourri and small plants to best advantage.
· Lacy kitchen curtains billowing at the windows add to the charm.
· Use bright checks or stripes for cushions or stools at the kitchen table. Complement them with bright terry towels.
· Get wicker baskets for bread and fruits
· Put up your collection of ancient ceramic jars and bowls.
· A gaily-colored rug can provide a warm touch.
You can go in for oak wood or other fine-grained wood finish such as maple or cherry. Try open shelving with rustic country décor. Don’t forget the kitchen tiles, go in for simple patterns that provide a soothing canvas or opt for bright tiles that make a statement. Equip your kitchen with exciting kitchen accessories such as canisters, potholders, shakers and tableware like I try to do.

Kitchen Cabinets


For a modern kitchen décor, modular kitchens are the best. All your gadgets and storage comes together in a blend of architectural elements. You can make modifications to suit your individual needs. Go in for kitchen flooring that complements the rest of the décor. Make use of recessed adjustable lighting at the dining and cooking areas. If you prefer a contemporary look, the modern steel and chrome kitchen with a minimalist look is for you! remodeling – Get some tips on remodelling your kitchen in this article.  –  Kitchen tiles – One of the most effective ways to give the desired look for your kitchen … – One of the most effective ways to give the desired look for your kitchen …


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